Currently working on ‘Jupiter Rising’ a new music video for my band Cookie Tongue
Which was made in collaboration with John Mattiuzzi an Oscar winning Filmmaker
You can check it out and back it here on our Kickstarter

stills from Jupiter Rising
New 30 second Animation
‘The Misty Flower’
The film was commsioned and funded by
on view Sep.8th till Oct.20th 2022
Hanut Gallery and Theatre - Jafa, Israel
Closing Ceremony and Performance Oct.20th

Commisioned GIFs/Stickers for Paramount Pictures
On 2/10 and 2/11 I will be showing my work at the residency I’m doing your welcome to RSVP if you are in New Orleans through the link in the image below:

Currently in residence at The Aquarium Gallery and Studios in New Orleans
Final performance/showing Feb.3rd 7pm Free

Upcoming Cookie Tongue Show in New Orleans
Amazing lineup!

Meet the Moon-Mazz
new crater faces I made for sale - DM if you want one!

10/22/2021 My band Cookie Tongue is playing TONIGHT in Brooklyn
Link to tickets here:

10/20/2021 Work on a new commison is taking off

10/15/2021 This weekend my studio is open to the public - info below